At Covenant Life, we take teaching of the Word and each individual’s growth as priority
in order that they may grow up as mature believers in order to fulfill God’s will for their life.
We are committed to making disciples as Jesus said, written in Matthew 28:18.
We do this through serving you through these ministries:

Serve With Us
At Covenant Life, we believe that every member is a minister.​
We have a range of ministries and spheres where we can use your skill and expertise
on weekends and during the week! Find an area you would like to serve in and sign up!
Home Group​
Our home groups are the extended church that meets on a weekly basis. Our Home Groups consist of 5 or more people who meet together regularly to balance the five purposes that God has for our life and we maintain the Acts model as written in Acts 2:42-47.
Join one Today: Homes Groups

Children's Bible Education​
Covenant Kids is the Children’s Ministry of Covenant Life -our goal is to teach the children the truths of God’s Word, the Bible and to equip them to be builders of God's Kingdom.
Know More Here : Covenant Kids
Youth & Young Adults ​
The Youth and Young Adults at Covenant Life helps you find spiritual friends. Our goal is to help each individual by mentoring them in small groups where they grow stronger in the Word and also where they share their life and pray for one another. For Ages 16 - 25 years.
Youth Group meets every Sunday after Service at YWCA.
Whatsapp/Call : 99715 61943, 99537 10082