Taking Small Steps
During the covid-19 pandemic, Susan got in touch with her house help to check on how she was doing. Susan would then find out that the family was in need of basic provisions - she knew she had to do something, below is the story of how she took small steps to help a group of people.
Ration centres at that point where giving out food supplies as per the news being circulated,
so Susan searched for nearby centres so she could lead the family to getting the promised supplies
by the government. An issue surfaced, this family didn’t have the required ration card to get the supplies,
upon further research by Susan - she found out there was something called an “E-Ration coupon”
for people who didn’t have ration cards.
Through the link given, she helped this family get registered on the website and after some more
assistance by an AAP member the family was able to get supplies to last them a few days.
Susan would eventually get connected to more families with the similar need of supplies, when she tried
to register these families, she got a response that “ Registration of eCoupons for non-ration card holders
is now closed”. She brought the issue back to the Missions team and together we decided that we would provide these families with an essential supplies kit. Through the dedication given by Susan and by all the several small steps she took, we were able to meet the immediate needs of 10 families in her community with essential supplies to last a month.
Watch her story as she encourages you to start by doing something small for the people around you.
Responding to families who faced a far bigger challenge than the Covid-19 pandemic:
“The situation is really bad; we are doing our best right now. Our goal is to not let anyone go hungry
during this time but there are a lot of families in the slum communities around South Delhi who are
struggling to provide food for their family members”. I am cooking meals from my kitchen and we are
giving it to people. Can Covenant Life work with us to meet the needs of these families?”
- Aditya
(Project Ankur - A Christian based NGO that works with these communities to bring about lasting change - teaching children computer education, life skills and much more).
“This community has lost their source of income (referring to a community of sex workers
and their families in the red-light districts of GB Road) How will they be able to feed
themselves and their children? - We need to do something about it and come alongside
“Project Rescue” to provide food supplies so that they don’t have to worry about where
their next meal would come from" said Evelyn (CL Member) after speaking with the
project lead.
Project Rescue is a project run by a local church with the main aim to come alongside the
victimized and marginalized families of the red-light districts of GB Road.
Yes the Covid-19 pandemic was all over the news but those who lost their way of income and the ability
to provide meals to family members were going through an uncertain time in their lives with the
lockdown and curfews placed. Covid-19 was the least of their concerns. Provision of basics was the biggest
need of the hour. We knew we must do something! We decided to come alongside and hold hands with
these projects to make food supply kits for these families residing in the slum areas and the red-light
district which would ensure that they were about to provide meals for their families.
These food supply kits consisted of staple ingredients in an Indian home – rice, flour, lentils, spices and
hygiene products. These kits were packed up and sent to the various centres for distribution
to the families. With the generosity of our members, we were able to provide food supply kits
to 110 families within the initial phase of the lockdown in New Delhi.
We are still on the watch out for families/communities in need of supplies
because we have been called to love like Jesus.
Get involved by either being part of distribution teams,
giving towards supplies or praying and identifying these families for us:
Contact us for information regarding this: +918130645829.