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Celebrate Christmas with us at Covenant Life
Join us for a month full of events, teaching, groups activities, missions events and so much more!
Christmas BAKE SALE!
Sunday, December 4, 2022 after service!
At Constantia Hall, YWCA, New Delhi
Contact +91 9560137675 to contribute!
Covenant Life's Christmas Eve Service
Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 5:30 pm
at Constantia Hall, YWCA, New Delhi
Join us for an Evening full of Praise music and Christmas Carols!
Invite friends and family to celebrate Christmas Eve with us!
Covenant Life's Christmas Service
Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 10:00 am
at Constantia Hall, YWCA, New Delhi
Invite friends and family to celebrate Christmas Day with us!
Covenant Life's New Year Service
Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 10:30 am
Begin the New Year with the family of God at Covenant Life.
Let's celebrate and bring in the New Year together!
Christmas At Homes
Share the Joy and cheer of Christmas by inviting someone from Church home or get together and share meals, host barbecue nights or picnics and have Carol Nights!
Let's make this one warm December!
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Through out the month of December series of testimonies praising what God has done in the lives of those in Church and around. If you have a testimony or story of thanks, whatsapp us a write up along with a picture to go with it at +91 9560137675
Clothes Collection Drive
If you have old clothes that can be donated or given away,
drop them off in the allotted baskets at YWCA every Sunday.
Whatsapp us at +91 9560137675 for more information.
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